Sometimes it pays to get a little schizophrenic in your efforts to keep your subscribers engaged. That’s schizophrenic, not psychotic – so stop sharpening the knives and take a closer look at your email list management software program. Here, in this most indispensible of all email marketing tools, you’ll find all you need to ensure that your deadbeat email list subscribers don’t drag your numbers down. Or, worse yet, drop out altogether.
The first thing you have to...
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Engaging Inactive Users through Schizophrenic Marketing
August 06, 2011
Mobile Marketing for Smart Phones – Anyone Can Play
August 05, 2011
If there’s one thing that holds a lot of companies back from leaping headfirst into developing mobile marketing campaigns, it’s the fear that their efforts will come off irrelevant. Or worse yet, outdated and crude. Nobody wants to throw their hat into the ring only to find out that their efforts have already been one-upped by a much more creative competitor. But mobile marketing statistics tell us an encouraging story about the cell phone users of tomorrow.
The fact that smart...
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Coupons in Email Marketing – The Exclusivity of Personalization
August 04, 2011
Opt in email marketing can be a truly effective method of boosting sales and increasing your company’s online profile. But there are a few things that you have to do right. One of the most proven methods is through the use of printable coupons or coupon codes that you can send to your group of contacts to encourage their business. But sometimes, just sending a coupon isn’t enough.
Personalized coupons have proven to be far more effective for opt in email marketing than generic...
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