Effective email list management depends heavily on your ability to keep bringing in subscribers. You can expect an average yearly churn rate (that’s industry jargon for unsubscribe) upwards of 30 percent. This means that if you have 1000 bulk email list subscribers, you stand a chance of losing 300 of them every year. In order for your pursuit to not become a lost cause in exactly 3.3 years, you’ve got to do everything you can to keep new people subscribing.
One of the ways to do...
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The Email Survey: Benefits for the Surveyor and the Surveyed
July 06, 2011
You don’t have to have been caught on the phone by an overly eager representative of your favorite store or service provider to understand the inherent value of email surveys. Giving a customer the option of answering questions on their own time is the least invasive approach, and increases the likelihood that you’ll get honest, well thought out answers to burning questions that could make a significant impact on how you run your business. Email survey software takes the often...
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Mobile Marketing Isn’t just a One-Trick Pony
June 26, 2011
Using SMS marketing software can be powerful and, depending on the program that you’re using, relatively simple. But it’s also fraught with challenges, the least of which are technical. Today, the single biggest problem companies face with mobile marketing campaigns is the failure to use them to their maximum capability.
This is primarily the result of businesses lacking the foresight and vision to understand the nature of the term “mobile marketing campaign” itself....
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