The impact that Twitter has had on the abilities of most people to be brief and to the point is astonishing, if not indicative that society as a whole might be seeing the final and dramatic slipping away of its collective attention span. This isn’t to say that everyone necessarily craves brevity—e-book sales are still spiking, which is always a good sign. But it does point out a very important point about the need to get to the point when operating a bulk email campaign and...
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How to “Twitterize” Your Bulk Email Messages
April 02, 2011
Design Tips for Email Vouchers
April 01, 2011
If you’ve paid attention to the statistics, you’ll know that a vast majority of smartphone users are spending more of their time accessing email on their mobile devices than they are texting, playing games, listening to music, checking how many people “like” their Facebook status, or fiddling around with all the various time-killing applications. If you’re not zeroing in on the sweet smell of opportunity, perhaps you need an olfactory cleansing. But if...
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Tips for Better Bulk Email Marketing
March 23, 2011
Bulk email marketing does not always mean spam. Unfortunately, most people automatically assume that any mass email campaign is worthless and for those who use bulk email marketing ethically, their email deliverability suffers as messages are blocked and unopened.In order to avoid the email blacklists and get better delivery and open rates for your bulk email marketing efforts, employ some of the following tips:Understand how email filters work. Using email marketing is a great tool...
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