Gmail’s Priority Inbox and Email Marketing

April 13, 2011
In late 2010, in an attempt to maximize the collective email experience of its rapidly growing legions of Gmail users, Google announced its “Priority Inbox,” a feature that would assign different levels of importance to email messages based on—you guessed it—top secret algorithms. Most end users found the new technology a vast improvement that would allow them to save time sorting through unimportant messages to get to the real meat within their inboxes....
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The Importance of the Blind Carbon Copy Function

April 13, 2011
Bulk email solution programs are typically geared towards a more high end functionality that’s not right for every business. The truth is, you can operate your own opt in email marketing campaign with the simple basics afforded all standard email accounts. The trick is to employ a few tactics that won’t make you come off like a rank amateur. One of these tactics is the use of the “blind carbon copy” function. Blind carbon copy works exactly the way it sounds: it...
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The Difference Between Active and Inactive Subscribers, and Why It’s Important

April 04, 2011
Sometimes, you have to really pour on the charm to win an inactive email subscriber back. But before you can determine what needs to be done to situate yourself firmly in that individual’s good graces, you have to first be able to identify the inactive members on your list from the active ones. If you’re using an email marketing solution that collects information on who’s opening your emails and who’s not, this is an easy thing to do.What’s the Difference...
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