Your Own Ringtone – A Quick and Easy Trick for Mobile Marketing

August 04, 2011
If you haven’t already taken the plunge into text marketing and SMS advertising, get hold of a good SMS marketing software program and get cracking. Here is one great idea to help kick off your mobile marketing campaign. Create Your Own RingtoneDoes your company have a jingle or some identifiable sound that you use for presentations or tv commercials? If you do, make it into a ringtone and distribute to your customers as a free download through email, Social Media sites and your...
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Lifecycle Email Marketing Proves more Effective than Traditional Methods

August 03, 2011
In a recent survey of online email marketing participants, an overwhelming 75 percent of respondents said that lifecycle email marketing is far more effective than traditional bulk email marketing. But what is lifecycle email marketing and how does it differ from regular email marketing? Lifecycle email marketing is triggered by specific events – like anytime a customer subscribes to your marketing newsletter or makes a purchase on your website. When this happens, a single email...
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Designing Your Corporate Email Signature Template

August 01, 2011
There’s a lot that goes into the design of email newsletters that you might not have thought about. With all that you have to remember to do right, it’s sometimes easy to forget one of the most important parts: your email signature, which lets your marketing message recipients know who you are and where they can get ahold of you. Here are a few tips for designing corporate email signature templates that are effective but that don’t go overboard with TMI (too much...
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