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Email Campaigns
Importing Campaign Creatives
Setting up an email campaignTo create a new email, you need to first setup the campaign. Start by clicking on the "Create New Email Campaign" button in the Email section.
Define the following:
Name of the campaign
All click through traffic generated from your emails will be shown as this name in your Google Analytics traffic sources report. Hence, it's a good idea to give it a meaningful name.
From Name
This is the name this email will appear to come from
From Address
This is also the reply-to address and MUST be a valid mailbox otherwise you will experience reduced email deliverability performance.
This is either a "Regular Email" or an "Email Template".
Maxmail allows you to import your HTML email creatives using a zipped folder. However, the folder needs to be in a specific format as follows:
- It must have an HTML file with either .htm or .html as the file extension.
- You can have your images inside a folder within the root directory.
- You can have more than one stylesheet (.css file) document.
Once you have all these elements, you need to zip the folder up. To do that, simply right click on the root folder where all these files are saved, choose the relevant option from your user menu that will allow you to compress this as a zipped archiver.
This action will generate a zipped archive which you can then upload as per the instreuctions below.
Check these links to see how you can generate a zipped folder for
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