Mobile: The New Email Marketing Challenge

April 30, 2013
With an ever-increasing number of consumers reading emails on their mobile phones, the time has come for those engaging in bulk marketing to make sure that they are sending emails optimized for reading outside of the home or office by those using mobile devices. While the rise of mobile media does not in itself call for a change to the overall strategy of your mass email campaigns, it does call for some adjustments to maximize effectiveness, given the wide usage of smartphones and other...
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How to Write Great Email Copy

April 28, 2013
Email marketing articles talk a lot about subject lines, email frequency, and auto responder programs. One critical element that is often overlooked, however, is the actual content of emails sent to your recipients. After all, you can have all the above locked down and still send out junk that nobody wants to read. Here are a few tips to make sure your email copy lives up to the rest of your marketing campaign: 1. Determine the message – Before you begin...
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4 Great Reasons You Should be Using Email Marketing

April 28, 2013
It always shocks me to hear that a company - whether it’s a brick-and-mortar retail store or a pure marketing outfit – doesn’t put much stock in mass email campaigns. It especially saddens me when I hear that these companies don’t do much marketing at all for “cost reasons,” or they rely on bargain-basement forms of traditional marketing. Unlimited email marketing makes so much sense for so many reasons. Here are just four of the many reasons why you should...
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