Organizing an event for your child's school can be frustrating if you can't keep everyone involved informed. Since you have to rely on others to provide food for fundraisers, entertainment, materials and supplies, you may need to schedule a few meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page. What was supposed to be an easy and fun event can quickly turn into a communication nightmare. Teachers face the same frustration when scheduling conferences with parents. But it doesn't have to be this...
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Texting to Spread the Word Quickly
February 06, 2012
Why You Should Allow Coupon Forwards and Non-Subscriber Redemption.
January 19, 2012
Some business owners have the tendency to get stingy with their coupons. It’s understandable, if from a purely monetary perspective. You can’t afford to give free stuff away all the time. If you did, you wouldn’t stay in business very long. But, coupons serve a valuable purpose in that they encourage return business and can bring in new customers. If you’re dubious about the value of offering coupons or if you’ve ever been guilty of policing the use of...
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3 Tips for a Better SMS Marketing Campaign
January 19, 2012
If there's a great way to run an effective text marketing campaign, it's this: Take a look at the top three things that most marketers forget to do and do them. Too simple to work? That's what they said about the paper airplane. OK, maybe they didn't say that, but you get the gist. Below are the three most often overlooked SMS marketing campaign musts that you'd be nuts to ignore.
Let Them Know Who You Are – You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) to find out just how many marketers...
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