Debt collection can be one of the worst tasks a small business owner has to undertake to remain profitable. It is not only embarrassing, but you never know how a client or customer will react. Using sms software, you can reduce these awkward situations by sending friendly reminders before the bill becomes due, send past due notices and send other information about payment via text message.
Friendly Reminders
Send out text messages a week or a few days before a client's bill is due to remind...
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Easy Ways to Avoid the Stress of Debt Collection
February 09, 2012
3 Rules for Writing Emails that Sell
February 08, 2012
Even if you have the best, most desirable or useful product in the world, you won't make many sales with lackluster or boring email. But you don't have to be a top-notch copywriter to capture the attention of subscribers. When writing your next mass email, follow these simple rules to create brighter, punchier and better selling copy.
Entice Subscribers
Grab the...
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Increase Profits and Decrease Annoying ''No-Shows''
February 08, 2012
If more and more of your clients are just not showing up for their hair, nail or makeup appointments, you will start to see a decrease in monthly profits. For each client that fails to show, another could have taken their place if they had only known a spot had opened up.
The Beauty of Text Messaging
In addition to being an inexpensive way to market your hair salon's services, sending messages directly to clients helps reduce 'no-shows' and allows you to quickly fill 'suddenly open'...
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