Contact management software is used to hone the effectiveness of your marketing messages and to keep people interested, but even the best program in the world won’t do you any good if you aren’t able to recruit subscribers. Here are a few tips on how you can encourage people to sign up for your opt-in email list without resorting to heavy bribery or veiled threats.
Keep your opt-in page simple and clean. Just as it’s critical for your website's overall appearance to...
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Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Opt In Email List
June 22, 2011
Email Deliverability Hurdles
May 26, 2011
Mass email marketing is commonly used to promote products, deliver information, and promote sales. No one questions the fact that properly coordinated mass email marketing works. However, despite having the most qualified opt-in lists and writing the best sales copy, one hurdle that often stands in the way of your email deliverability is the dreaded email blacklist.
Email Blacklists Email blacklists are lists of IP addresses and/or domains that are considered to be sources of spam. ...
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Will an SMS Campaign Really Work?
May 15, 2011
SMS advertising has been slow to take hold in the United States but a recent study by Text2VIP shows that it definitely has an impact on consumer behavior.
An SMS campaign (short for Short Message Service) is basically when a business sends out mass text messages to mobile devices of people who have signed up to receive alerts from them. These messages range from a text alert to deals currently being offered by a merchant to a coupon that can be redeemed by showing the message on your...
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