Mobile Marketing Tips: It’s a Cell Phone, So Encourage Calls

June 26, 2011
Mobile marketing software can do a lot of things, but it can’t do your creative thinking for you. If you’re using an SMS marketing solution to improve business by sending promotional reminders to your customer base by cell phone, there are a few tricks you can employ that’ll make the overall experience for your subscribers far more user friendly than simple, no frills text marketing. One such “outside the box” idea that a lot of companies using mobile marketing...
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The Top 3 Mistakes to Avoid in SMS Marketing Campaigns

June 24, 2011
SMS marketing campaigns aren’t rocket science, but neither is driving a car – and look how often someone's car ends up smashed against another bumper. In other words, there are about a million ways to mess up an SMS campaign. Building bigger and better SMS marketing lists involves making smart use of your contact management software and not pulling the kinds of moves that’ll cause people to opt out of future campaigns. Here are the top 3 mistakes to avoid making. Mistake...
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Mind Your Manners and Check Your Spelling: SMS Marketing Etiquette

June 23, 2011
Text has become the preferred method of communication among the civilized, cell phone-wielding masses. And SMS marketing is catching up fast, enabling business owners like yourself to remind your customers about time sensitive discounts and fostering the kind of intimate engagement people in your line of work could only have dreamed of 10 years ago. But even the best SMS marketing software program in the world won’t keep that customer base engaged if you don’t get yourself well...
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