How to Avoid Ruffling Feathers in Your Email Marketing Campaign

October 31, 2011
But, there’s one thing that online bulk email software can’t do for email marketers, and that’s avoid communication errors that have the potential of seriously ruffling feathers and getting people in a general tizzy. This is where ensuring a good command of the English language, and spelling and grammatical skills come strongly into play. Consider the two distinctly different meanings of the following sentences: • Let’s eat, people!• Let’s eat...
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Email Analytics - Why Forwarding Statistics are so Important

August 08, 2011
There are benefits to email tracking software that go far beyond the simple ability to tell if your marketing message was opened or discarded. Once most companies get their hands on new email analysis tools, they are astounded at how much can be learned about their email campaigns. Here is one crucially important – and equally cool – feature that you might not be aware is available in marketing software tools. So don't say we didn’t try to clue you in! X-Ray VisionOkay,...
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Even the Auto Manufacturers are Getting on Board with Mobile Marketing

August 08, 2011
If you’re of a mind that mobile marketing campaigns aren’t as important as traditional email marketing and direct marketing methods, you’d do well to pay attention to what some of the titans of industry are doing in the area of mobile. According to a recent report, Ford (as in the motor company) is introducing plans to manufacture cars that are tied in with smartphone technology. If this isn’t indication that you should take a closer look at how you can use mobile...
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