A Matter of Trust: Email Marketing’s Secret Weapon

September 17, 2013
Email marketing is going through a period of change. Gmail’s redesign is only the latest and most notable of these changes, and they’re making email marketers work hard to maintain and improve on their current marketing practices. While some email services promise to do this hard work for you, the reality is that companies who win in uncertain times are those who have built trust with their users. How can you build trust in today’s environment? Here are our top tips: BUILD...
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Has Gmail Ruined Email Marketing

September 04, 2013
Gmail’s move to segment by type emails sent to its subscribers has caused shock waves in the email marketing industry. Now, rather than sending all emails to a subscriber’s email inbox, Google will divide emails up by type, and send promotional emails and emails regarding social media updates into folders separate from the main email inbox. Naturally, such a dramatic change by one of the biggest email providers in the world has raised concern among bulk email marketers...
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3 Stupidly Simple Ways to Keep Email Marketing Costs Down

September 04, 2013
When it comes to email marketing lists, bigger is not always better. If your list suffers, for whatever reason, from a lack of valid email addresses as well as a host of inactives, you are paying for sending emails that will either not be delivered or never be read. As a result, keeping your email list as clean as possible has two clear benefits. First, it keeps the cost of conducting your campaigns down, and, second, it gives you a much clearer picture of how successful your...
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