If you haven’t heard already, Gmail is throwing another wrench into the email deliverability gears. Gmail’s newest update, the “tabbed inbox,” consists of five automatic tabs: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums. Gmail automatically sorts incoming messages and places them into relevant tabs. In case you’re wondering, your bulk emails are probably heading to the Promotions tab.
Despite the best efforts of some internet bloggers to...
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How Email Marketers can cope with the New Gmail Inbox
October 17, 2013
How Email Marketers can Cope with Gmail’s Changes
October 07, 2013
It’s a fact of the business: email marketers don’t like change. After all, optimizing our blast emails for maximum deliverability takes a lot of work. So it will come as no surprise that Gmail’s latest change, in which it added a “promotions” tab that keeps most promotional email out of inboxes, has been met with dismay by the email marketing community.
What’s the deal with this new system? In short, Google has turned its new “promotions” tab...
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How to Write an Email that gets Read
September 17, 2013
With all the work that goes into writing bulk email, it’s a shame when your emails don’t perform as well as you’d like. Ideally, we’d all like to send emails to a list of people who love our brand, read all of our emails, and purchase our products or services often. Unfortunately, email marketing doesn’t work that way, and with all the changes we’ve seen in the industry over the last year, just getting recipients to read your emails can be hard work.
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