Many times companies send bulk email online with high hopes, only to find that their conversion rates have been sabotaged by an inordinately high rate of delivery failures. This occurs when many of the emails you’ve sent get directed to the spam filter of the recipient, and are never read. A few tips for improving your delivery rates and avoiding the dreaded spam treatment are listed below.
Use opt-in email blasting lists
Avoid blindly emailing prospects without some...
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Increasing Your Bulk Email Delivery Rates
April 28, 2013
How to Avoid Email Unsubscribes
April 18, 2013
It’s hard enough to get the subscribers you need for good email blasting lists. Even worse, getting them through legitimate means can be a rather time-consuming task, to say the least. It can, therefore, be rather disheartening to receive a number of unsubscribes despite having worked so hard to get those subscriptions. In order to keep your email marketing campaigns in tip-top shape, you have to be able to give as much attention to keeping your subscriptions as much as getting them...
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The Beginner’s Guide to Email Copywriting
April 11, 2013
Writing email content is a lot harder than it looks. As a business leader, you know what you want your customers to think but a harder time saying it in bulk emails. While unlimited email marketing gives you the ability to reach many new customers with minimal effort, the wrong types of emails can be quickly deleted, or worse, end up in the spam folder. Here are a few tips for making sure your email copy is of the highest quality:
I get a lot of emails in my...
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