Email marketing articles talk a lot about subject lines, email frequency, and auto responder programs. One critical element that is often overlooked, however, is the actual content of emails sent to your recipients. After all, you can have all the above locked down and still send out junk that nobody wants to read. Here are a few tips to make sure your email copy lives up to the rest of your marketing campaign:
1. Determine the message – Before you begin...
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How to Write Great Email Copy
April 28, 2013
10 Easy Email Marketing Tips
April 28, 2013
Despite the recent proliferation of other online marketing strategies, mass emailing remains one of the best ways to reach customers and convert sales. After all, no other medium connects so many people at any given time and in any given place. Smartphones have given consumers nearly 24/7 access to email, and the ability to reach these increasingly-savvy consumers is vital for any company.
Here are 10 easy tips for upgrading your email marketing game…
1. ...
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5 Ways to Improve Your Email Newsletters
April 28, 2013
Many readers have likely been in the email marketing game for some time — After all, email was the major consumer innovation that allowed marketers to reach individual consumers. Before social media, there was email. Most of you who have been involved with email marketing have used newsletters at some point or another, so it stands to reason that some newsletter techniques have gotten stale over the years. Looking for a way to improve your bulk marketing services with newsletters? Read...
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