Some companies are hesitant to outsource the delivery of their email marketing messages. Maybe you feel the same way. If you do, there’s nothing wrong with it. In a way, it makes a lot of sense. You’re supposed to outsource tasks that are difficult, not things that you could readily accomplish within minutes. Certainly firing off an email – even if it being sent to an enormous list of opt-in recipients – isn’t exactly heavy lifting. But there are benefits to...
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Why You Should be using Email Delivery Monitoring
June 10, 2011
The Importance of Transparency when Using Email Tracking Software
June 09, 2011
Email tracking software is cool. There’s just no two ways about it. And if you don’t know much about how it works and what it can do, you’ll probably think it’s even cooler the further you look into it. You might even get your mind blown.
The fact is, receiving email statistics on how often your marketing messages were forwarded, or how long the average recipient spent reading your email, or whether or not a link in your email was clicked, is the kind of information...
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When Seconds Count – A Closer Look at Your Available Email Marketing Tools
June 08, 2011
In email marketing, seconds count. You don’t have to be an expert to know that, and you don’t need a high tech marketing software tool to tell you that getting a customer to hang in there long enough to read your marketing message is like timing a cowboy on the back of a bucking bronco.
Not that it’s a good idea to approach your marketing campaign as an endurance contest, but you get the point. How much time a customer spends reading your email is critical. The longer they...
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