Why Hiding Opt Out Instructions can be a Little Creepy

June 17, 2011
Far too many companies involved in bulk email marketing have the wrong view of giving their list recipients clear instructions on how to opt out. To some, putting opt out instructions in a visible location on every email message and on the front page of a website is commercial suicide – or the equivalent of holding a party and constantly reminding people where the front door is. But there’s a big difference between showing someone respect and showing them the door. A much better...
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Protecting Your Rep with Bulk Email Marketing Services

June 17, 2011
You hear so much talk these days about the importance of using social media as a method of reaching out and finding new customers, but there’s also something else that companies use social media for – to check up on their reputation. This is done by searching social networking sites, public forums, and blogs to see what people are saying about them. Depending on what’s found, adjustments in marketing approaches can be made and damage control can be set into operation if that...
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How Too Many Inactive Email Addresses Could Hurt You

June 14, 2011
You probably don’t want to hear this, but you should – inactive email addresses in your bulk email list could be hurting you. All the more reason to hire a bulk email marketing service to handle your email campaign management, right? Well, that may not be absolutely necessary. But regardless, taking steps to clear inactive emails from your mailing list is important. Here’s why. Anytime you engage in email marketing, you run the risk of being inadvertently lumped in with...
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