A lot of bulk email marketing software providers talk about the importance of deliverability, but frequently fail to warn you about the damage that can be caused to your reputation when delivery fails.
The reputation we’re talking about here has nothing to do with your standing among your loyal customers and social media followers, but with the ISPs themselves. Operating bulk email campaigns that experience a high fail rate with regard to getting into a recipient’s inbox can...
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What "300" can Teach You about Small but Mighty Subscriber Lists
July 26, 2011
A lot of people involved in high volume email marketing freak out if their list of subscribers dips below certain numbers, or if they fail to achieve the kinds of numbers they’d set out to. But if you’ve ever seen the movie “300” you’ll know that great things can be accomplished by extremely small numbers.
Okay, maybe “300” isn’t such a great example because of how it all ended – but that’s not the point. The point is, sometimes...
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What’s Dynamic Email Content?
July 25, 2011
If you think dynamic email content refers to writing really good, compelling email copy, you’ve probably been working too hard and need a rest....at least you’re thinking about it though, which is an awful lot more than can be said for a lot of online marketers who don’t give a you-know-what about making their messages readable. Actually, dynamic email content refers to something else.
Dynamic email content is best described as being able to personalize email content on the...
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