Special offers such as discount coupons, reduced rates, percentage off for new subscribers and other offers increase sales and help create and retain loyal customers. But for some marketers, striking that balance between presenting a special offer and overusing offers can become problematic. After all, what's so special about an offer if you provide it on a regular basis?
Here are three cases in which you should consider sending special offers to subscribers.
New Subscribers
Entice new subscribers right away by sending a discount or free item with purchase (special report, product, etc.) in your welcome email. Most subscribers will jump at the chance to receive something for free after signing up. You can offer the same discount or free item in one mass mail or send specific offers to different list segments.
Frequent Buyers
Reward frequent buyers with additional savings on their next purchase or offer free products when they spend a specific amount. Those who make frequent purchases want to feel appreciated - this is also a good way to keep them from straying or finding a provider. Offer something special to those who make multiple purchases three or four times a year (approximately once every three months).
Inactive Accounts
Create an email campaign to win back those who have not made a purchase within the past six months. Send a discount coupon or take off a percentage of their next purchase to get them back. In many cases, these accounts will remain inactive due to subscribers no longer using that email address or subscribers who have moved on to another provider. Remove inactive accounts if you don't receive a response to your offer within a month.
Other Times to Offer Something Extra
As you can see, offering these groups discounts and free stuff can help increase sales and create a loyal customer base. Other times to offer special products, discounts, services and promotions include:
- Holidays
- Birthdays
- When you have excess inventory
- New product/service launch
- Discontinued product/service
- Entice people to opt-in to your email list
Rewards Programs
Another way to offer specials on goods and services is to start a rewards program. This will require you to track individual sales more closely to verify when subscribers qualify for a free or discounted product or service, however.
Before launching a rewards program, send out bulk emails stating how the program will work, how to qualify and for how long rewards points may be saved (for example, if you choose to allow customers to keep points at the end of each year or if there is a time limit).
Clearly state how subscribers can earn points and how they will be redeemed. You can offer specific products/services or allow customers to use their reward points towards their next purchase.