The Four Emails Every Email Marketer Should Know

November 23, 2014
The Four Emails Every Email Marketer Should Know

Getting new email contacts is exciting. That list of new names you’ve grown has a lot of promise in it, that is, if you make the right moves. New contacts can turn into loyal subscribers or frequent customers down the road. To make that a reality, you want to send a variety of emails to start building a relationship.

The first few emails you send to new subscribers are essential. They are a way for the two of you to test the waters and see if there’s a connection.

To get you on the right track, here are four emails every email marketer should be sending to their new contacts to help maximize the chances for a long-term relationship – outline these on your sign up page so your newest subscribers know what to expect:

  1. Welcome Email

The first email you should send is a welcome email. This friendly message serves as the first impression component in your new relationship. The email should welcome the new subscriber, reinforce the decision to sign up, and possibly offer a discount or a deal that’s just for new members.

  1. Newsletter

To continue the welcome party, send new contacts a newsletter. Newsletters are a good way to start a conversation between you and your new contact. It offers news and information that can benefit your new subscriber.

Of course, newsletters aren’t just something you send at the beginning of an email relationship. They are meant to serve as a regular communication vehicle between your business and your subscribers, but when the relationship is fresh, people are hungry for information and a newsletter can help satisfy that craving.

  1. Educational email

Much like a newsletter, an education email also offers your new contact additional information about your business, product or service. This kind of email is meant to educate contacts about a specific topic that is connected to your industry.

This type of email shows you have the subscriber’s interest in mind. Plus, you want your business to become synonymous with quality content, and this is a good first step.

  1. Promotional email

A few weeks into your email courtship, sending a promotional email is a nice gesture. It’s a nice way to make customers feel important and part of the business’ grand scheme – maybe the email contains a gift of some kind, a free consultation, a 20% off coupon or an invitation to a friends-and-family sale that only email contacts can access.

The takeaway message from these different types of emails is to spend some time engaging with your new contacts. They deserve a little extra care and attention and with these four emails you’ll set the tone for a lasting relationship.


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