Bulk email marketing does not always mean spam. Unfortunately, most people automatically assume that any mass email campaign is worthless and for those who use bulk email marketing ethically, their email deliverability suffers as messages are blocked and unopened.
In order to avoid the email blacklists and get better delivery and open rates for your bulk email marketing efforts, employ some of the following tips:
- Understand how email filters work. Using email marketing is a great tool and you need to understand how it works. Spam filters are a part of this, so make sure you know what they look for when they block an email.
- Gain trust. Encourage your recipients to add your email address to their whitelist (and show them how to do this). Never use bulk email marketing as spam to better avoid the email blacklists.
- Analyze your statistics. Study your bounceback rates and your unopened email rates to see what can be done to fix them. Analytics are there for a reason.
- Use reputable email services. Setting up your own server and using free software may save money up front but cost you if your emails are not delivered. Good mail services are set up properly and they work with ISPs and email blacklist services.