SMS marketing campaigns aren’t rocket science, but neither is driving a car – and look how often someone's car ends up smashed against another bumper. In other words, there are about a million ways to mess up an SMS campaign. Building bigger and better SMS marketing lists involves making smart use of your contact management software and not pulling the kinds of moves that’ll cause people to opt out of future campaigns. Here are the top 3 mistakes to avoid making.
Mistake #1 Annoying your customers. Although you might think that sending several messages a day to remind people about all the awesome deals you’ve got going on is a great idea, there are many others who’ll think it sucks. The minute you get bothersome, expect to see a huge upswing in the number of SMS marketing list opt-outs.
Mistake #2 Failing to offer incentives. SMS marketing is delivered and read instantly. This makes it perfect for offering subscribers limited time/ urgent action discounts to encourage their immediate business. If all you’re using it for is to promote your general services and you’ve got no clue what BOGOF means, stick to other forms of marketing.
Mistake #3 Forgetting all about referrals. This is pretty much Business 101 – companies grow through word of mouth, and if you’re not rewarding your subscribers for referring a friend, you’re missing out on a valuable source of leads.