Bulk email solution programs are typically geared towards a more high end functionality that’s not right for every business. The truth is, you can operate your own opt in email marketing campaign with the simple basics afforded all standard email accounts. The trick is to employ a few tactics that won’t make you come off like a rank amateur.
One of these tactics is the use of the “blind carbon copy” function. Blind carbon copy works exactly the way it sounds: it essentially allows you to send an email message to a large list of recipients without revealing that you’re doing so. Each recipient will find your marketing message in their inbox, but won’t see the names and email addresses of everyone else you’ve delivered the very same message to.
In order to accomplish this, it’s important that you understand the difference between the regular “carbon copy” function and “blind carbon copy.” When you add a recipient’s email address to the regular “carbon copy” field, all of this information is visible to your recipients. There’s nothing wrong with this if you’re sending a personal email to, say, your family—but when operating an opt in email marketing campaign, it’s unprofessional to use any other option but “blind carbon copy.”