You don’t have to have been caught on the phone by an overly eager representative of your favorite store or service provider to understand the inherent value of email surveys. Giving a customer the option of answering questions on their own time is the least invasive approach, and increases the likelihood that you’ll get honest, well thought out answers to burning questions that could make a significant impact on how you run your business. Email survey software takes the often grueling process of information gathering and puts it on a platform that’s equitable for both parties: the surveyor and the surveyed.
Having an email survey tool at your disposal can also go a long way toward establishing something that’s far too often overlooked in business: the respect for privacy. There aren’t many people these days that would willingly sign up to have a stranger call them just as they’re sitting down for dinner to lob a dozen questions their way – and some that might even take offense to a company that would do so.
If you don’t have email survey software, there’s always the option of mailing your customers a survey – but even then, this may be a lot to ask of someone since they’ll have to take extra steps to return their answers to you.
In the end, offering customers the ability to complete an online survey goes a long way in respecting boundaries, as well as giving your customers the impression that your company is forward thinking enough to utilize the benefits of technology for everyone involved.