When it comes to developing a social media strategy that works, evidence abounds that there’s certainly no shortage of creativity in the world. The latest entity to leap into interactive marketing via social media is none other than the Cleveland Indians baseball team. But how can social media marketing work for a professional sports team whose primary job is to perform on the field and not cyberspace?
According to Cleveland Indians president Mark Shapiro, this particular social media strategy will set its sights on creating deeper connections with team fans, as well as rewarding participants with discounts on home field tickets and merchandise. But possibly the most innovative move comes in the recent unveiling of a “Tribe Social Deck,” a group of seats in an enclosed section of the Progressive Field ballpark where fans can go to Tweet or blog with their laptops or tablets during times of inclement weather without causing damage to their electronics.
This ingenious move by—of all things—a sports team calls attention to the fact that not all of the great ideas have already been thought up. It also serves as an example of how wide open the field is for social media marketing. Nobody knows what the next social networking trends will bring, but it’s safe to assume that we can all expect something equally unique and innovative.