Why Hiding Opt Out Instructions can be a Little Creepy

June 17, 2011

Far too many companies involved in bulk email marketing have the wrong view of giving their list recipients clear instructions on how to opt out. To some, putting opt out instructions in a visible location on every email message and on the front page of a website is commercial suicide – or the equivalent of holding a party and constantly reminding people where the front door is. But there’s a big difference between showing someone respect and showing them the door.

A much better comparison would be to say that offering your bulk email marketing recipients clear opt out instructions is akin to letting them know that they’re not prisoners. Hiding your opt out instructions and failing to be forthcoming about where they can be found is the same thing as inviting someone into your home and locking the door and swallowing the key once they’ve walked inside. If you want to see how well that works, try that with your next date and see how fast he or she books it for the nearest exit.

In the end, bulk email campaigns should be about offering customers choices, and not holding someone captive to your frequent sales pitches. Sometimes, letting your guests know that they’re free to go at any time is the best way to keep them around longer. Believe it or not, it’s true.

categories: Copy and Design

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