What "300" can Teach You about Small but Mighty Subscriber Lists

July 26, 2011

A lot of people involved in high volume email marketing freak out if their list of subscribers dips below certain numbers, or if they fail to achieve the kinds of numbers they’d set out to. But if you’ve ever seen the movie “300” you’ll know that great things can be accomplished by extremely small numbers.

Okay, maybe “300” isn’t such a great example because of how it all ended – but that’s not the point. The point is, sometimes operating a more lean machine can help imbue your high volume email marketing campaign with a much needed agility that you might not have if you had, say, a million people subscribed.

Think about it seriously, and you might emerge from your brow-wrinkling concentration with a renewed appreciation of those faithful followers that have stuck with you. By using the tools at your disposal in your email campaign management software, you can resolve to grow your list one person at a time by providing the readers that you do have with a superb end product, rather than spending all of your time going over email delivery rates for a million recipients.

Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • Offer more frequent incentives and coupons. With a smaller list, you can afford to.
  • Get your readers involved in conversation and answer all inquiries that come your way via email or social media channels. Think of it – if your list were a million strong, you’d never be able to do that.
  • Employ dynamic email copy techniques to personalize your messages as best you can, making it seem as if each person is getting their own private message. That’s how you get people to appreciate you even more.

categories: Copy and Design

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