Taking Your List With You (If You Must Go)

July 29, 2011

Being an online marketing solutions provider isn’t easy. We offer it all: custom email design software, tips about email design and email layout from the experts, and the kind of analysis tools that could explode an analytic geek’s head. But we understand that sometimes, people have to make executive decisions to save a few bucks here and there. We don’t begrudge anyone having to make this decision, and we can promise you that nobody’s going to call you names after you’ve left the room. If anything, we anxiously await your return.

But in order to make that eventual return smooth (yes, we’re so good that we’re convinced you’ll come back) don’t forget about the importance of backing up your list of contacts and subscribers. This list is in many ways your company’s lifeblood, and losing that could be seriously damaging to your future online marketing plans.

For this reason, MaxmailHQ makes it possible for you to routinely export (as well as import) contact lists to and from our proprietary email software. See how accommodating we are? Yeah, we thought you’d appreciate that. By having this ability at your disposal, you’ll have one less reason to regret leaving (if you must). Needless to say, we’re confident you’ll have plenty of reasons to return.

categories: Copy and Design

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