To ensure your Internet business remains successful, build a solid list of potential buyers. One way to do this is to encourage existing subscribers to pass your mass email to friends, family, co-workers and others. This is a free and easy way to build your list and make contact with people who may not have known your business existed.
Reasons to Encourage Subscribers to Forward Your Email
Chances are your subscribers know others interested in the goods and services you sell. Many people are friends because of a specific hobby or group they belong to.
Tapping in to other people's social circles can lead to increased sales and also satisfy the needs of niches that can't find the information, goods and services you provide - by satisfying the needs of specific niches you essentially become an expert among that group of people. In return, they will pass your messages on to their friends and so on.
Relying solely on a landing page to capture email addresses may limit your ability to capture a variety of addresses. Encouraging subscribers to pass on your email requires very little time and increases your ability to reach people who may never see your landing page.
Remind Subscribers to Share with Others
Include a line at the end of your email content encouraging subscribers to pass on the message. You do not have a say anything fancy or dream up a clever line, just a simple suggestion - you can also include a link to your landing page to capture new subscriber addresses.
Allow Reprints
Allow subscribers to reprint your newsletter or articles you send on their website or blog. Grant permission by stating that you require reprints to include the entire message and author attribute including your email address. This is a free way to advertise and build trust with subscribers.
Use Social Media
If you use social media to market your business, send a short message asking subscribers to forward email messages to their family and friends.
Increase email sales by increasing the number of people who see your messages. While you should not rely solely on subscribers to build your email list, encouraging others to share may lead to increases sales and a bigger list.