How Too Many Inactive Email Addresses Could Hurt You

June 14, 2011

You probably don’t want to hear this, but you should – inactive email addresses in your bulk email list could be hurting you. All the more reason to hire a bulk email marketing service to handle your email campaign management, right? Well, that may not be absolutely necessary. But regardless, taking steps to clear inactive emails from your mailing list is important. Here’s why.

Anytime you engage in email marketing, you run the risk of being inadvertently lumped in with spammers. This is why email marketers like yourself usually jump through hoops, doing everything from omitting spammy words from emails to having double opt-in requirements. But sometimes even that’s not enough, and recipients that either forgot they opted in or don’t recognize you will “complain” to their ISP by marking your email as spam.

Once your complaint percentage gets high enough with a particular ISP, it could result in your getting blacklisted, which is a bad thing. To make matters worse, spammers are known for artificially lowering their complaint rates by padding their email lists with tons of inactive email addresses, which could have the effect of making you look like a spammer even though your intentions are straightforward.

Pairing up with a bulk email marketing service will give you the tools necessary to identify inactive email addresses, and drop them from your mailing list like a bad habit.

categories: Copy and Design

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