Email Deliverability: Your Company’s Rep Could Be at Stake

July 27, 2011

A lot of bulk email marketing software providers talk about the importance of deliverability, but frequently fail to warn you about the damage that can be caused to your reputation when delivery fails.

The reputation we’re talking about here has nothing to do with your standing among your loyal customers and social media followers, but with the ISPs themselves. Operating bulk email campaigns that experience a high fail rate with regard to getting into a recipient’s inbox can adversely impact the way that ISPs view you and could bring you that much closer to being misidentified as a spammer.

This bit of news shouldn’t be disheartening if the bulk email marketing service you’re using is also able to provide you with solutions to increasing your rate of penetration. If you’re not already using a service that will deliver you comprehensive reports on how to improve your email delivery rates, it’s critical that you do so ASAP. Your company’s rep is on the line here, after all.

categories: Copy and Design

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