Diversifying Your Eggs: Social Media Marketing the Smart Way

July 25, 2011

There’s an old adage that reminds us never to put all our eggs into one basket. The reason it’s been around so long that nobody remembers who originally said it is obvious – because it makes perfect sense. It’s a truism. Ever make a dumb mistake putting all your money on one stock? Lesson learned. Ever blow it big time by throwing all your social media marketing resources into a dying platform like, say, MySpace? Another lesson learned. But just because you’ve recovered from that goof and are now touting thousands of Facebook admirers, don’t think it all can’t come crashing down.

Okay, so 600 million users is pretty convincing. That’s what Facebook is up to right now, give or take a few hundred thousand. But social media strategy experts remind us that Facebook and Twitter, which is up to about 200 million users itself, could both suddenly be replaced by a new and improved platform that’ll effectively yank the bottom out from under The Big Two. Does that mean you should put your Facebook social media marketing strategy on hold? Of course not. But does it mean that you shouldn’t put all your eggs – or, in this case, all of your energy and resources – into one social media platform? You bet.

The key is diversification. Make use of social media marketing outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, but always remain on the lookout for the next big thing. Getting on the bandwagon when that happens could make a huge impact on your online visibility and help grow your email marketing list to epic proportions.

categories: Copy and Design

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