It’s a known fact that holiday marketing requires that much more time and effort in today’s competitive marketplace, if you want to rake in the sales you want as a result of increased purchases during this time of year. Everyone is screaming to get heard and chances are that the core offer that you have is probably the same as most of your competitors – so how do you stand out? This post is to give you, the email sender a chance to ensure all your email marketing strategies...
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Cyber Monday Mistakes to Avoid
November 11, 2014

Cyber Monday, the officially opening of the chaotic, end-of-year shopping season begins on the 1st of December this year making it a doubly ideal date to kick things off. This means the busiest time of the year is now upon you and your marketing team. If you have your activities carefully planned out, then you probably have very little to worry about.
The biggest thing to remember is that if you too are launching your digital seasonal activities on Cyber Monday with the rest of the internet...
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How to Dominate your Industry
November 09, 2014

With the Christmas crowds beginning to flock, marketing strategies to attack the holiday season have well and truly been put in place. Although email marketing might not be as nearly engaging as social media or other marketing strategies, it is still the most persuasive form of digital communication for businesses to date.
Everyone has been a victim to copious amounts of spam that gets deleted before you can read the headline. Every day, countless email are either deleted or ignored, and...
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