Holiday marketing can be the most tedious task your marketing department has to carry out each year. With the Christmas holidays almost upon us, you may have already planned your marketing activities and started creating relevant content to handle the seasonal rush. Take a look at a few of these high impact words you could possibly add in to your existing headlines and some examples with how you could use them. While your content itself needs to be focused, it doesn’t hurt to include high...
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Business Blogging Action Plan in 6 Steps
November 18, 2014

Small business owners are constantly attempting to have an exponential increase in online visibility since it is the most cost effective way to reach multicultural, global or local markets. While there are various platforms through which you can channel your content online, let’s focus on the key area of blogging specifically for business purposes.
Although blogs were initiated as personal online diaries and ranting platforms, the potential of using blogging as a platform for marketing...
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5 types of email marketing errors and how to handle them
November 16, 2014

It is inherent to our job that we send an email or two. Everybody that sends email marketing messages with a regular frequency will have a moment where the campaign slips up. Even if you test your mails thoroughly, it is bound to happen sooner or later in your email-marketing career. We all make mistakes. And if we don’t make mistakes ourselves, there is always someone else or a piece of technology to make them for us. Prevention is better than a cure. So please avoid making mistakes in...
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